Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cannes Lions Day 7

The day at Cannes Lions turned out to be quite a hectic one for me and Paige. We took the 10:30 train with plans of attending the 11:30 seminar. However, upon arriving in Cannes Paige realized that she had left her badge back in JLP. Seeing as how the badge is vital for admittance, we turned right back around and caught the next train home. I thought it would be no big deal. We would just run back to our room, get the badge, and hop on the next train. It turned out that we waited for that next train to Cannes for an hour. So when we finally made it back to Cannes at 12:30 I was a little worn out from all of our back and forth.
      However, we did rush into the 12:30 seminar. We kept saying to ourselves that we hope we could still get good seats. Little did we know that about only 30 people would be attending any seminars this late in the week. Strolling in right as it started we had our choice of hundreds of open seats.  I must say, it was a little disappointing. I knew the numbers would drop off dramatically being the last day, but I had no idea that only 30 people would show up. I felt bad for Grupo Consultores knowing that no one had come to hear them speak. I must admit though that I wasn’t too impressed with their presentation. It really bothers me when professionals throw up a power point and read straight off the screen. I understand that it is easy to do it and that everyone falls victim to that type of presentation every once and a while, but you would think that at an event as important as Cannes Lions they would put a little more effort into it. I didn’t enjoy them reciting facts about Brazil for an hour. However, if they want the market it Brazil to expand even further I guess it is important for companies to know what they are getting into. I however, am not in the market to start an ad agency in Brazil anytime soon.
      After witnessing the dismal turnout for Grupo Consultores seminar we decided to call it a day. It was sad only attending one seminar on our final day, but I truly felt like the next two would have been as uninteresting to me as the first one.  

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