Sunday, June 26, 2011

Otrivin's Nasal Spray

Otrivin’s Classroom Craft and Shoe Laces ads by Saatchi and Saatchi are the perfect balance of humor and reality. By displaying the consequences of leaving congestion untreated viewers see what might happen to them if they don’t use Otrivin’s nasal spray to clear up their congestion. Both ads feature situations we have all seen in real life. Everyone remembers the snotty kid in class who just won’t blow their nose and the random stranger breathing heavily beside you in a crowded area.
      In both ads we see how their illness is mistaken for a mental handicap because their mouths are left hanging open by their inability to breathe through their noses. You know this is the case because the teacher gives the little girl the dull scissors during craft time and a helpful woman aids the man in tying his undone shoe lace. Also the phrase “You look dumber with your mouth open” scrolls across the screen. However, if you use Otrivin’s nasal spray all of your congestion problems will be solved.
      I like these ads because they are simple and relatable, but also keep me entertained with their humor. I know there must have been times when I am sick that I look similar to these poor characters. I think this is a good strategy because we would all like to avoid looking dumb as much as possible, especially when we are sick. I prefer the Classroom Craft commercial because I feel like it is the most relatable. I can actually see that situation happening in real life. However, I think that the Shoe Laces concept is a bit of a stretch. I don’t think anyone would help a random stranger tie their shoe. It loses its humor because it is not as real of a situation as the Classroom Craft ad.

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